DIY : Pallet Wood Pumpkins

This Wednesday marks the first day of fall and while the rest of the country is starting to get glimpses of the seasons changing here in Central Texas it's still HOT and dry!  Highs are still in the 90's everyday with not much end in sight.  But 90's are a welcome change to the 100 degree weather that we experience for most of the summer!

Even though it may not feel like fall outside I still welcome pumpkin spice EVERYTHING, football season and fall decor with open arms!  To me fall has always felt like the warm up to Christmas decorating.... the appetizer, if you will.  It seems that even people who don't decorate for the other seasons have at least a few fall items that they pull out to welcome the season.  I love decorating with pumpkins all over our house and especially on our front porch.  This year it was time to add something new to the fall decor line up!!

One afternoon I decided to put the pile of pallet wood we had to good use making these pumpkins.  They are really easy to make with just a few tools needed and very inexpensive!


Pallet Wood

Lattice Wood Strips or other pieces of scrap wood

Wood Glue



Mitre Saw OR hand saw

Nail gun with appropriate sized nails (depends on your wood thickness) OR a hammer and nails

Mouse Sander with sandpaper pad OR a piece of sand paper




Tear down pallets so that you have individual boards. Or you could purchase fence posts if you don't have access to a pallet.

Step 1

Arrange wood into the pattern that you like, making sure that all pieces are the same thickness and that they all line up well.

Step 2

Turn pieces over making sure that you keep them in the correct order.  Using scrap wood attach the pieces together with wood glue and nails.  I used some pieces of lattice stripping that I had, you can pick them up for about $1 for an 8' piece or use leftover pieces of pallet wood.  Keep the bracing pieces toward the center so that they aren't in the way when you get ready to cut out the pumpkin shape.

Step 3

Flip the board over and use a permanent marker to draw out a pumpkin shape.  If you would are nervous about free handing it use a pencil first and then trace over it with the marker.

Step 4

Cut out the pumpkin shape using a jig saw.  Make sure you clamp the board down to a sturdy surface so that it doesn't slip around.

Step 5

Sand the edges to smooth.

Step 6

To make the stem attach a small piece of scrap wood to the top using wood glue and nails.

Step 7

Use another piece of scrap wood and a couple of hinges to create a stand.  It is important that the stand is attached toward the top so that is wont be too top-heavy. The 2x4's from the pallet are perfect for this!  If your pumpkin is wide you could attach two to make it extra sturdy.

That's it!!!

Once you get the hang of it they are really fast to make. You can make a whole set in an afternoon. The best part is that they fold up and are easy to store for next year!

I hope that you make your own set for your front yard! Or even inside your house! They would be really fun painted orange or with polka dots or stripes added!  I hope that you make them (or get your hubby too) and let me know if you do!!