Chicken Avocado Soup

Chicken Avocado Soup

I have a confession to make : I don't really like soup.  There, I said it... I know that some people will think I'm crazy, but I just don't. I also don't really like cold weather and soup and cold weather just kind of seem to go hand in hand.  Luckily I live in a place where it doesn't get too cold for too long! With that being said, I do LOVE this soup!!!  I love it so much it is one of the only things that I truly look forward to when the weather starts getting cooler.

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Blueberry Poundcake

Blueberry Poundcake

I can't let summer pass by without getting this recipe up for y'all! I love summer and all of the fresh fruit that it brings with it.  One of my favorites this summer has been blueberries!  My daughter loves them, so I always have them on hand. This poundcake is dense and moist, but the fresh blueberries keep the cake refreshing.  It's perfect for breakfast or dessert!

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